stop fakes

Protecting Our Brand and Ensuring You Get Genuine Backpacks

At Veria Travel,we're committed to providing high-quality backpacks.

We are aware of imitations of our backpacks as well as imitation of our brand’s website.

Remember:If a deal seems too good to be true,it probably is.

When you pay less, you receive less and leverage scammers using Veria Travel's name to confuse the end customer. You won't receive high-quality and durable backpacks that will get you anywhere. Moreover, you won't get the core of our brand that lies in quality, usability, and customer service.

Combating Counterfeits:

Veria Travel backpacks are only available through our official website ( 

We hold trademarks and registrations for our brand and colors that are exclusively sold by us, and we actively pursue unauthorized use.

If you see Veria Travel backpacks for sale on other websites or from individual sellers, be cautious. These may be counterfeit products. Red flags include unusually low prices and websites with URLs that slightly or completely differ from ours (

Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect you've encountered a fake Veria Travel website or listing, please don't hesitate to contact us immediately. 

We appreciate your vigilance and will investigate all leads thoroughly.

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